
Thursday, 16 December 2021

Christmas tree that I made

 Hello, guys today I went on the summer learning journey site, and that what made me want to do this post.

Here it is

Hope you guys like it!

Friday, 26 November 2021

Who did it? (Workbook)

 In the last week for literacy, We have been doing a workbook. We have been reading a story called ¨Who did it¨? and it was about a mystery going around it the house. We were told to create a slide and do all the activities. it says on the sheet I have been reading on.

Here it is:

Sources: Doing the activities from the workbook

Reflection: My favorite part was reading the book because it was very very interesting.

Question: What was your favorite part of the workbook?

The rating was 9.5/10 because it was really interesting how Jen could solve lots of problems.

Hope you guys enjoyed it!

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Concrete mark game plan

 Today in literacy we are doing concrete mark games we are writing a list. We also had to get into buddy too!

Here it is:

Hope you guys liked it!😄

Thursday, 11 November 2021


 In the last couple of weeks ago we started learning things about dinosaurs and some interesting facts, Mrb Boyd shared this slide with us. We had to read lots of books about them and research them.

Here is the workbook!

I hope you guys enjoyed it!

Tuesday, 9 November 2021



 Today we did prodotec for maths and when we finished them had to post it into our blog!

Stage: 6

Minutes: 2min 9 sec

Score: 37 out of 40

Next time I have to look carefully

Here it is!


Thursday, 28 October 2021


Timed Prototec - Checking My Basic Facts Knowledge

Today we were on Prodotec for maths and seeing how we are going with it and I was going really well!

I did stage: 6

My Score was: 40/40  (YAY!)

Next time I will go a bit faster

I did 3m 36sconds

Here are my Screenshots!


You can look at my last Prototec blog post and see the diffrence (Big Difference)

Hope you guys enjoyed it!

Tuesday, 26 October 2021



Timed Prototec - Checking My Basic Facts Knowledge

Today we had a set amount of time to complete a Prototec Basic Facts session.  We then all had to stop, take a screenshot and post this to our blogs so we could share how we went.
We had 6 minutes to work and then had to stop.
I did Stage: 6
My score was: 37/40
Next time I need to: Look carfuly
Here are my screenshots:

Friday, 22 October 2021

My Holiday!

                          My Holidays! 

                  Hello everyone I am making a blog post about my holidays!

Here is it is!

Reflection: I liked this because I wanted to share my holidays and to write about it!

Sources: Miss Waho created a slide and we screenshot our own slide!

Question: How was your holiday?

Thursday, 30 September 2021

Master work book

For the 2 weeks, we have been learning about the Spanish influenza flu and we read about it looking at interesting facts, and did our must do's!

Here is the D.L.O

Reflection: I liked doing this because I always wanted to learn about this flu.

Sources: Got this from Mr Boyd

Question: Do you know any interesting facts about this flu?

Saturday, 25 September 2021

My Future

 Today I have done this Future, like what places do you want to visit or where you want to live in something like that! Here is the D.L.O, hope you like it!

Sources: Miss Waho sent this to us to complete it

Relection: I am impressed with this!

Question: Where do you want to live when you get older?

Why you should get dogs!

 Today I have been writing about why you should get dogs? I wrote this because they are very popular pets in the world.

Here is my slide, Hope you like it!

Sources: Talking about why you should get dogs and persuasive writing

Reflection: I am impressed with my writing!

Question: Do you have a dog?


Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Steps Web goals

                             Steps Web Goal

This term we are focusing on Steps Web. In July I set a goal for the rest of the term. Today I will be checking on my steps! This is my July goal:

I have done 1100 minutes on Steps web and my accuracy is 85%

Thursday, 9 September 2021

Lockdown reflection

 Lockdown is now over, and we did a reflection about it and what we have done in lockdown.

This is what I have done!

Reflection: So this is what I did. This was very fun but a little bit hard because there was nothing that interesting in Lockdown but the rest was very easy. Next time I should choose another background because you can't see what I wrote properly. 

Sources: I got this from Miss Waho she sent this to us. I made this on a google drawing and I made this.

Question: What should my next step be?

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Bubble life

 Today the people of our School bubble are doing this activity. Today is our last day until the real normal School is on Thursday!

Here it is!

Monday, 6 September 2021

My prototec

Today we did protect and I did stage 6 I got 1 wrong. My time was 4m 24 seconds

This is the stage that I did and the certificate!

Friday, 3 September 2021

Fabulous friday flowers :D

 Today we took a photo of the flowers we decorate it and added different flowers this was fun!

This is the flowers!

Thursday, 2 September 2021

This is the perfect dog

 Today we went on a website that had a lot of questions when you have completed the questions it will come up with a perfect dog for you here is the site if you want to use it

This was the dog!Löwchen Dog Breed Information

it is called a löwchen! and I would name it Max

Monday, 30 August 2021

Challenging Ourselves in Lockdown




Challenging Ourselves in Lockdown

 Today we will be Challenging Ourselves in Lockdown these are the challenges!

Sunday, 29 August 2021


 This is what me and Aimee made for each other!!!

Friday, 27 August 2021

How to make Hot Chocolate


Hello everybody this is how I make my Hot chocolate my mum taught me how to make it is is very easy maybe you guys can try it out one day. When I taste it is very good and YUMMY!!!

Thursday, 26 August 2021

My Homework

This is the homework that I have been doing recently it is a little hard, but I am getting used to it. I do 5 or 4 pages here are some photos!IMG_20210826_151753.jpgIMG_20210826_152043.jpg

Have see these homework before or done them before?

My Handwriting

 Today I did some handwriting and it looks amazing!

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Tuesday, 24 August 2021



Today I will be talking about my lockdown so at the start, my dad was not working and my mum was working until Monday my dad and mum went to work and there was no one to look after me then every morning at 6:50 I go to Simeli's house first thing we do is just chat and play outside and then we start online learning and at 11:30 we have morning tea and at lunch, we have a break and have lunch and then we get back to online learning then my mum picks me up from sSimeli's house and I go home and when I get home I normally watch tv or have something to eat like some toast and some hot chocolate and then at night time we have a movie night, At 10:30 or 11:00 we go to bed. It is very sad about lockdown because I miss school and it is boring and sometimes fun. Stay Safe everyone and have fun bye!NSW, Victoria, South Australian lockdown rules and border closures | The  Canberra Times | Canberra, ACT

Monday, 23 August 2021

My Community Circles

My Culture 2021

 Today I was doing a thing about my culture I was talking about food arts my family and others!

My Roles and Responsibilities

 Today I have finished my Roles and Responsibilities this activity was very fun!

Friday, 6 August 2021


                                         My Prototec I did

This term we are focusing on Prodotec on doing this very fast and doing this 100% I did this first TRY! I had 100% in 5m 4s

I need to get better at doing this a little bit faster than I will do stage 6

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Sharing our learning

  •              Student-led confinerencs

Next week we have a Student-led conference. Our family will be coming to school and we will be sharing the learning that we have done.

I am a bit excited to share my learning and nervous at the same time.

Monday, 26 July 2021

Steps Web Goal

                     My Steps web goals

For Steps web this term we are making sure we use this app more regularly.  We have set our personal goals for the term. 



Wednesday, 7 July 2021

How Big Is This Problem?


In the last week were doing a google drawing  of how big is this problem.

Friday, 2 July 2021

My fox information report


Today we did an information report and my one was foxes click on this slide to see and learn about fox's enjoy.

Thursday, 24 June 2021


This and last week we were learning about myths and legends we did a book creator. This workbook was about Maui and the sun. We had to answer some questions about the story click on this slide to look at what I've been doing in my literacy class.

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Choose your attitude


This week's value is to choose your attitude.

Saturday, 29 May 2021

My Culture Thailand

                                  Thai Culture

 1. In Thailand, you can't touch people's head because in Thailand is very rude. 

2. Do no point you with your feet at someone. You can't raise your feet higher than someone's head, or simply puting your feet on a desk or chair are considered extremely rude in

3. Do take your shoes off when entering temples, a private home.

4. Do respect monks, The monks you'll encounter across Thailand are deeply religious people.

5. Being disrespectful to the king and the royal family.

6.  Shaking hands, It is interesting to learn that is not common in Thailand to shake hands to greet people. it's just not how Thailand people do it instead of shaking hands you can do the traditional Thai greeting called 'Wai'.

This is some Thai culture you should know when you go to Thailand.

Flag of Thailand - Wikipedia

Friday, 28 May 2021



This week for literacy we have been learning about Crocodillians! This is a slide.

Friday, 21 May 2021

Whakamanawa Animal Information

           Whakamanawa Animal Information

Today we were doing our information reports I did Foxes look at this slide and find out facts and information about them

Bully Free Week NZ!

             Bully Free Week New Zealand

 It is Bully free Week is about bullying. Bullying is when you do something to another person like tesaing kicking and fighting or being mean to each other. It is Being mean on purpose and over and over again that is what bullying means. If you are a bully then if someone be mean to you then you won't like it. Pink Shirt Day | Mental Health Foundation

Monday, 17 May 2021

My Culture


This is My Culture. My Culture is Thailand. I was not born in thailand my mum was born in Thailand and I was born here.

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Steps Web

 My Steps WebScreen Shot 2021-05-12 at 12.18.01 PM.png

My Steps Web time from this year so far. I have 295 minutes.

Monday, 10 May 2021

Being on time

                               Perfect Punctuality

Our Value for this week is being on time which is be there. Being on time is very very important and there are loads of reasons why. We did a google drawing of being on timeButterfly, Inc.: Simple Tips for Being on Time for Your Appointments

It is going to be hard because I am always slow at doing things but hopefully I will be on time this week!

Friday, 7 May 2021

Having fun and Celebrating with other

Our value for this week is having and celebrating with others. This is the google drawing I made about have fun and Celebrating with others. Everyone in Whakamanawa has made this and posted onto thier blog.

Thursday, 6 May 2021


                               SMART Goals

On Tuesday We were doing our Smart Goals for Term 2. Reading There were Maths, Writing, and Other.

It is going to be helpful for my learning because I can practice the Goals I wrote yesterday on Tuesday.
We used a smart goals we used google slides that Miss Whaho shared with us.

Friday, 9 April 2021


Honesty and Dishonesty

This Weeks value is Being Honest and telling the truth.

Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Tumahana Trip

                          Tumahana Trip

Tumahana Trip was very fun. It was in the town hall. When we went in the lights were so cool the lights colors were white, blue, red, and some other colors they were shining everywhere. on the stage, there were howler hoops and there was this big curtain they were doing tricks on them. There were two men's fightings with sticks it was violent but very cool. There was a very good storyteller that had a cool suit on he was telling the story of what happened. and also there was a man with a big stick that glowed the color was blue and he was fighting with it and it looked so cool then after that he went som was and I did not know where he was then when I looked behind me there was and the door behind everybody. Then there were girls behind the curtain and they were making a very very VERY good shadow 3 girls were behind the curtain doing cool stuff. Miss Waho took lots and lots of Photos. It was so so FUN! I loved it there. I thought it was cool and so fun and I was amazed it was brilliant!

The Acters and the Shadow